Sunday, May 3, 2009

Assignment 1-3

American Tune: Postwar Campaign Songs in a Changing Nation
The article that I choose to review is titled “American Tune: Postwar Campaign Songs in a Changing Nation” written by Jodi Larson and can be found in the February 2009 edition of the Journal of Popular Culture. This publication is aimed at people that are interested in all things that are considered to be popular and note worthy in today’s culture. The article itself is about the different music that has been used throughout the years in the presidential campaigns by all candidates. The article discusses how the use of various show tunes, popular songs of the era and the songwriters who changed them for the use of the candidates influenced those that listened. During the campaign of Eisenhower, songwriter Irving Berlin changed his lyrics to his song to assist Eisenhower with his campaign. (Larson, 2009) The article uses other songwriters over the years to further this venue. Ms Larson mentions that singer/songwriter Bruce Springsteen filed a lawsuit to stop the use of his song Born in the USA by presidential candidate Ronald Reagan in 1984. (Larson, 2009)
To give a brief summary of the article, the main idea is to show how the use of show tunes and popular songs during the different eras as far back as the Eisenhower and Roosevelt eras were used to further the candidates’ platforms with the people of the United States. Song lyrics were changed slightly to make the public more aware of the candidate and how they would be the best choice to run the country. The songs that were chosen were popular songs that the public could recognize from seeing movies and theatre plays. This was done with forethought since by using songs that were widely recognized by people they could and can relate the good feeling of the song to the candidate and decide to vote for them in the election. This method of using songs that the public can and does recognize has been used for ages and in the last several elections the candidates have been changing up the songs that they use. The candidates are not using the same song for extended periods of time since the public are more aware of what is going on and also the particular platform the candidate will shift with the election and to what area of the country that they are campaigning in. The songs that Wallace used were country and western since he felt that by using this genre of songs would appeal more to the southern part of the country.
The article is organized by eras and relates the songs and candidate’s use of them to what was going on with the US at that time as well as bringing the reader back to the original start of the article’s era and candidate, Eisenhower and Roosevelt. The main ideas of the article flowed from one era and compared them back to the original idea that using songs that people knew and changing the lyrics slightly assisted the candidate in getting the public to vote for them.
The article gives one pause to think back about the various presidential campaigns that they have lived through and hopefully voted in. The songs that were used and the various celebrities that have also joined in to promote the candidates to the public and to assist in being elected. The more one thinks back on politics and the various platforms that they choose to promote, it is further known from the article that the staff of the candidates researched the songs and many songs were rejected when presented. Overall, the article is well written and though out as well as presented for easy reading and being able to apply to popular culture.
Larson, Jodi; Journal of Popular Culture, Volume 42 issue 1 Feb. 2009; Pages 3-26;
American Tune: Postwar Campaign Songs in a Changing Nation; Retrieved
April 13, 2009

Assignment 5-1

Today in the local paper, I read a great column titled “Till you Drop” and the subject was bras. This may not sound very interesting if you are a man, however to us women, this is a viable and sometimes hot topic. The article discussed the different types of bras and manufacturers that are on the market and how they fit each individual woman.

As women know, there are many different types and each bra will fit differently on women. You have the underwire, the t-back, the all lace and no support bra, the designer name bras that the models make look good, however, when we wear them, they may not fit us as well, but they still look good. Then we have the push up bras, the glue on bras, the just my fit bras. So many styles to choose from.

The column had replies from a several women whose comments were in the range that they thought they were the only one that as soon as they arrived home, took the bra off to have comfort to having strapless or a bra that has straps. Some solutions for going “braless” were to buy a tank top that has a shelf bra built in. One reply on the column regarding different bras was about the woman’s size of breasts. I do agree that the size of your breasts does change the type of bra and which manufacturer has the best fit for you. Since each woman is built differently, we all should take into consideration how we look with out and with the support of a good bra. One way is to take the time and go get yourself fitted for one. This may be a bit out of your comfort zone, however, the results and the knowledge that is gained by being fitted is well worth going out of your comfort zone to get the best bra for you.


Eckert, Kristy, …Till You Drop; A few bras win readers support; The Columbus
Dispatch; April 30, 2009; retrieved April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Assignment 4-1

A donor that gives money to universities under the conditions that the university does not try to find out who the donor is, awesome. In the article written by Justin Pope of the Associated Press and picked up by The Columbus Dispatch on April 22, 2009, that is what has just happened at Binghamton University in New York. The University received $6 million recently. The donor asked that they use $4 million for financial aide and the other $2 million for general need.

According to the article, this is not the first university to receive such a donation recently. Women run all of the universities and all are public with the exception of Kalamazoo College in the state of Michigan, which is not. The donations to the various universities have been in the range of $1 million to $8 million. The source of the donations is widely speculated as exactly whom is making them.

Any donations that are made to universities in the size of these recent ones would be a huge help in the running of the university. The fact that the donations are going to colleges that are ran by women could be read as an appreciation of the power of a woman in a traditional man’s job. However, the choice of colleges to receive the donations could just be random and the fact that a woman is running them could just be a coincidence. Maybe. I really don’t think so, I feel that the choice of colleges to receive the donations are based on the fact that a woman is running then and hopefully the donor is a woman supporting the work of another woman in a tough position.

Pope, Justin, Associated Press; Mystery Donor, Another college gets big, secret gift; The
Columbus Dispatch, April 22, 2009, 2:57A.M.; Section A, Page A-2; Retrieved April
22, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Assignment 3-1

The issue of the South-Western school district passing another levy to run the school district is a never ending quest for the district. Originally, they asked for an operating levy to build schools and in the levy that was passed it was stated that enough funds were being allotted for running the schools for at least three years. In the very next election they asked for an income levy to be passed to run the schools. This levy would cost the homeowner and additional $254 a year per $100,000 of house value. (Boss, 2009) This same levy has been defeated several times. Yet again, the levy is again asking for the following:
· Amount 8.3 mills
· 4 years
· To raise $21 million annually
· The current district budget is $198 million
Should the levy not pass again, the district is stating that they will have to close two buildings, eliminate 54 positions, as well as eliminate extracurricular activities, middle school and high school sports, the high school bussing and field trips.
However, should the levy pass, the district states per the article that there will be $1.6 million in cuts, which will include reducing district budgets by 10%, charging for summer school and laying off about 15 jobs.
As a homeowner myself, I am against the levy, since it is an increase in my property taxes. If the district would take a good long look at how the money that they operate on currently is used, the cuts would not probably be needed and the funds that they do have could be better spent. However, we will have to wait and see what the voters have to say at the May 2009 election.


Boss, Charlie; South-Western schools levy, The Columbus Dispatch, Sunday, April 19,
2009, Insight Section G, Retrieved April 19, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Assignment 2-1

Diabetes is a scary disease, which I myself have. The cost of the supplies is high, even with insurance. The long-term effects are different for everyone. The hardest part is changing your diet and couch potato habits.

The article written by Linda A Johnson, who is with the Associated Press, made many excellent points saying that the costs of the supplies are expensive and when you loose your job and health insurance you will skimp on your medication and testing supplies. The cost of 50 testing strips for a One-Touch Ultra Mini at Wal-Mart and CVS are well over $50.00. The other item that is needed each time is the lancelet, which is what pierces your skin to obtain the blood to add to the test strip.

Ms. Johnson’s article makes excellent points that with the loss of health insurance you see your doctor less to have your AC1 levels checked and try to make the medication that your do have last longer. There are different programs around for assistance with your supplies, however finding them, being approved for assistance is time consuming. In addition, the longer you go without taking your medication the more you place yourself at risk of having of having serious complications to your health and body.

Ms Johnson’s article stated that in interviews with ER doctors they have seen a rise in diabetic emergencies due to the loss of health care coverage. Diabetics without health care coverage are seeking tax-subsidized or charity care for their diabetic needs. One person that was mentioned in the article wound up in the emergency room on Thanksgiving with major complications such as vomiting blood, malnourished, etc.

The health insurance that I have at my employer allows me to take one education class each year. The catch is that I must meet my deductable, which may not sound like much, however, for someone who lives paycheck to paycheck it can be costly and a budget buster. However, the classes do help and having a supportive husband helps. It is a struggle for me to learn to each less and even a bigger struggle to get more active since I was not raised in an active family.

The article is titled: Economic woes leave diabetics skimping on care, risking lives. Was obtained from the internet at USA Today, health news.

Johnson, Linda A; Not Dated; USA Today Online; Economic woes leave diabetics skimping on care, risking lives; Retrieved April 12, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Three contemporary icons for me are David Letterman, Stephen King and Anne Rice.

I have watched and kept track of David Letterman for years. I enjoy his humor and enjoyed being a part of the audience on his show back in June 1999. He makes fun of himself, others in a way that makes you think, and I do not see how anyone could take offence in the way that he does it. He has been around for a long time on TV and his late night counterpart is Jay Leno, who hosts the tonight show on NBC. David Letterman owns his own company Worldwide Pants. His company’s short name is Pants. The company has many different items that you can purchase online or at the CBS Store in New York City.

Stephen King is a writer of awesome horror books. I own just about all of them, have not read all of them, but I do own most of them. Stephen King has appeared in almost all of his made for TV movies; they are small parts, however, if you watch closely you will see him. He is married to author Tabitha King, have three children and live in the state of Maine. Most of his books are horror based. He has also turned his books into movies for both the big screen and TV. He has been able to make his chosen career into a comfortable means of support.

Anne Rice is a writer of horror books the most popular are her books on the Vampire Lestat and vampires in general. She has also written under a pseudo name and these books are more erotic in nature. Her books on vampires are an easy read and are the ones that I like the most. She lives in New Orleans.

For me these three people are what come to mind when I am asked about talk show hosts and authors. I love to read books and even listen to audio books. My favorite topic is vampires and just the genre of horror in general. As for the talk show host, Letterman for me has great presence and his sense of humor comes across when he does his monologues and interviews. He has made a comfortable living for himself in his chosen line of work as has authors King and Rice. My sisters share my love of reading which we learned from our parents. We even all agree on Stephen King being the best horror writer out there.

Monday, April 6, 2009

More families move in together during housing crisis
The article written by Stephanie Armour on February 2. 2009, titled above is about the current housing crisis in America that is affecting more and more people who own homes. The intro into the article discussed a person who had just completed building a new home in Queens, NY. He lost his position as a superintendent and was unable to pay his monthly mortgage payment of $5,000 per month. His solution to his crisis was to have his children, stepchildren move in, and pay rent.
The housing crisis is affecting more than just this person, it is also affecting the 50+ group who are financially living day to day and they are seeing a trend in their own children moving back in with them due to their own loss of homes through the foreclosure process. The article also covers the crisis of many people who are homeless due to the foreclosure increases here in the United States.
I work in the mortgage industry myself; the particular section is the Loss Mitigation Department. This department is the last chance to save your home prior to the foreclosure sale date. The foreclosure sale process here in Ohio can be a lengthy one and does not take overnight. The homeowner is given enough time to contact their mortgage company and the foreclosure attorneys to work out an arrangement in order to keep them in the house. For many people, they are able to stay in their home after realistically reviewing their financial situation and spending habits and making their first priority their home. For others, who do not have the means to support the property and their bills, they have the choice to sell the property or allow the foreclosure process to continue.
Most people want to blame the mortgage companies and the builders as well as the sales agents for allowing them to get into a home that they could not afford to begin with. Part of the blame is with these companies, however, the other part of the blame is with the consumer, who knew that they could not afford the property that they were buying and also did not take the time to educate themselves on being a homeowner.
Stephanie wrote an excellent article on the issue and made many excellent comments on the continuing crisis which is still ongoing.
Armour, Stephanie, More families move in together during housing crisis, USA Today, dated 2/3/2009, retrieved April 5, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Assignment 1-2 Popular Blog Culture

To me popular culture is what is happening currently around us, I.E., the news, magazines, books, fads, trends, celebrities, etc.

People will do things to make themselves or others happy. They will be leaders or followers in their chosen pursuit of life. There are also people who are just happy to watch others and then follow their own drummer.

Understanding popular culture is relevant to us in our lives so we may better understand what happens and why it happens. Understanding popular culture also allows us to have something to talk about to others and sometimes even use the knowledge of trends and fads to help us achieve what our goals are.

What I would consider as a popular culture artifact would be pictures of places or things that draw my attention for whatever reason. The picture above is a picture that I picked up off the Internet of a sunrise in Kauai HI. My husband and I have been there twice and we are going this year from December 19th to January 2nd.

People are drawn to pictures of places or things based on their own likes and dislikes, feelings, etc. For me a picture that involves landscapes, sunrises, sunsets, waterscapes, places that I have been to or would like to go to allow me to relate to others.