Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Assignment 1-2 Popular Blog Culture

To me popular culture is what is happening currently around us, I.E., the news, magazines, books, fads, trends, celebrities, etc.

People will do things to make themselves or others happy. They will be leaders or followers in their chosen pursuit of life. There are also people who are just happy to watch others and then follow their own drummer.

Understanding popular culture is relevant to us in our lives so we may better understand what happens and why it happens. Understanding popular culture also allows us to have something to talk about to others and sometimes even use the knowledge of trends and fads to help us achieve what our goals are.

What I would consider as a popular culture artifact would be pictures of places or things that draw my attention for whatever reason. The picture above is a picture that I picked up off the Internet of a sunrise in Kauai HI. My husband and I have been there twice and we are going this year from December 19th to January 2nd.

People are drawn to pictures of places or things based on their own likes and dislikes, feelings, etc. For me a picture that involves landscapes, sunrises, sunsets, waterscapes, places that I have been to or would like to go to allow me to relate to others.


  1. Hawaii is an interesting part of popular culture, it evokes images of the exotic escape that people long for in their everyday lifes.
    It is great that you have been able to discover it.

    I notice a lot of pictures like the one you posted palms trees and gentle tropical breezes, on peoples computers screen savers!

  2. Great picture!! My son is in Hawaii. I want to go!!

  3. The blog looks great, cool picture! I would elaborate on popular culture and its effects on business.

  4. Pop culture is definitely something that we all can relate to. Many times at work or other life ventures it is easier to communicate if there is a common ground. There is a lady that I work with who has a very difficult personality. She is very hard to relate to, but we can always talk about American Idol or John and Kate+8.

  5. Your blog is great, it shows how you feel on a particular topic.
