Sunday, April 19, 2009

Assignment 3-1

The issue of the South-Western school district passing another levy to run the school district is a never ending quest for the district. Originally, they asked for an operating levy to build schools and in the levy that was passed it was stated that enough funds were being allotted for running the schools for at least three years. In the very next election they asked for an income levy to be passed to run the schools. This levy would cost the homeowner and additional $254 a year per $100,000 of house value. (Boss, 2009) This same levy has been defeated several times. Yet again, the levy is again asking for the following:
· Amount 8.3 mills
· 4 years
· To raise $21 million annually
· The current district budget is $198 million
Should the levy not pass again, the district is stating that they will have to close two buildings, eliminate 54 positions, as well as eliminate extracurricular activities, middle school and high school sports, the high school bussing and field trips.
However, should the levy pass, the district states per the article that there will be $1.6 million in cuts, which will include reducing district budgets by 10%, charging for summer school and laying off about 15 jobs.
As a homeowner myself, I am against the levy, since it is an increase in my property taxes. If the district would take a good long look at how the money that they operate on currently is used, the cuts would not probably be needed and the funds that they do have could be better spent. However, we will have to wait and see what the voters have to say at the May 2009 election.


Boss, Charlie; South-Western schools levy, The Columbus Dispatch, Sunday, April 19,
2009, Insight Section G, Retrieved April 19, 2009


  1. The thing I hate the most is when they state if the levy does not pass, they are cutting out everything that is for the good of the student, such as sports. How about cutting some of the office staff such as the second or third assistant principal. Why hold the students hostage. In my opinion, no school should ever have to beg for funds to operate. Federal funds should be based per student. Then, let the schools fight for students just like any other business courts their customers. The quality of education would improve as that would draw more business (students). Schools would have to operate within their budget and resources for education would be equal regardless of where the school is located.

  2. I thought schools get money from the State to pay teachers. I might be wrong on this. However, if the schools do then wages are covered. So, with property taxes and school fees, I would think schools can run. I always wonder why schools are always wanting more money. Further, schools always want to build new schools. I went to elementry school in Sacramento, CA and we had old textbooks and the left overs basically. So, schools need to realize it is the importance of learning and not just new things all the time.
