Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Assignment 4-1

A donor that gives money to universities under the conditions that the university does not try to find out who the donor is, awesome. In the article written by Justin Pope of the Associated Press and picked up by The Columbus Dispatch on April 22, 2009, that is what has just happened at Binghamton University in New York. The University received $6 million recently. The donor asked that they use $4 million for financial aide and the other $2 million for general need.

According to the article, this is not the first university to receive such a donation recently. Women run all of the universities and all are public with the exception of Kalamazoo College in the state of Michigan, which is not. The donations to the various universities have been in the range of $1 million to $8 million. The source of the donations is widely speculated as exactly whom is making them.

Any donations that are made to universities in the size of these recent ones would be a huge help in the running of the university. The fact that the donations are going to colleges that are ran by women could be read as an appreciation of the power of a woman in a traditional man’s job. However, the choice of colleges to receive the donations could just be random and the fact that a woman is running them could just be a coincidence. Maybe. I really don’t think so, I feel that the choice of colleges to receive the donations are based on the fact that a woman is running then and hopefully the donor is a woman supporting the work of another woman in a tough position.

Pope, Justin, Associated Press; Mystery Donor, Another college gets big, secret gift; The
Columbus Dispatch, April 22, 2009, 2:57A.M.; Section A, Page A-2; Retrieved April
22, 2009

1 comment:

  1. I read a similar news article. However, I did not realize the money was going to Universities that were run by women. I was trying to figure out how this topic was popular culture. However, it is a hot popular culture topic when you think about the men and women issue we have in society.
